The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: The Best Places to Invest in Real Estate Outside Toronto with Cory Matthews


Cory Matthews is the founder of Straight-Up Realty Group, a Real Estate Homeward Brokerage that focuses on helping people buy real estate outside the city, as well as helping people in Toronto sell their properties at fair commission rates.

In my interview with Cory, we discuss affordable places to buy real estate outside the GTA, owning a rental property without the responsibilities of being a landlord and the benefits of working with a property manager.

If you’re interested in getting in touch with Cory, you call or text him at 416-720-9414 or email him at

Subscribe now and never miss an episode. Reviews and ratings are appreciated, too.

Sean Cooper is the bestselling author of the book, Burn Your Mortgage: The Simple, Powerful Path to Financial Freedom for Canadians, available now on Amazon and at Chapters, Indigo and major bookstores, and as an Audiobook on Amazon, Audible and iTunes.